The Director General of Branches at Ta'heel Association, Mr. Yousef Al-Rumaih, received a group of leaders in the executive management of Al-Ihsan Association for Social Development in Buraidah, in the presence of Mr. Muhammad Al-Omari, Director of Technical Affairs, Mr. Abdulاakim Al-Muhaimid, Director General of Financial and Administrative Affairs, and Ms. Bayader Al-Hadhoud, Director of the Institutional Communications Department, on Thursday morning, February 14, 2024. Where Al-Ihsan Association delegation included, Mr. Freih bin Ahmed Al-Freih, Executive Director of the Association, Mr. Badr bin Saleh Al-Abdalmoneim, Director of the Financial and Administrative Affairs Department, Mr. Khaled bin Abdullah Al-Fawzan, Director of the Financial Resources Department, Mr. Yazid bin Abdulrahman Al-Turki, Director of the Media Department, Mr. Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Fawzan from the Executive Management, and Mr. Muhammad bin Ali Al-Khelaiwi from the Public Relations Department. The purpose of this visit is to learn about the services provided by the association to people with disabilities from birth to professional and social empowerment. It also aims to exchange experiences and enhance cooperation to serve the community. The visit began with a closed meeting inside the hall of the General Secretariat building, which included a documentary presentation about the association, a presentation about the current and future projects of the City of Ta'heel Association, and comprehensive information about the association presented by the Director General of the branches, Mr. Yousef Al-Rumaih explaining the association’s aspirations to be the best Arab association to provide services to people with disabilities in this year 2024, and the best among ten associations in the world in 2028. Emphasizing that the association has partnerships, agreements, and memorandums of understanding with the largest and most famous global centers for providing services to people with disabilities, whether in the United States of America, or in Europe, and similar centers in India specialized in rehabilitation and physical therapy, and has held international conferences and forums specialized in disability, rehabilitation, training, and education in lining with international principles and standards. They then took a tour of the association, starting with a visit to Qudrat Center for Support Services, and they were briefed on the services provided by the center from Mr. Bassam Al-Zaher, Director of the Center. The delegation also visited Al-Tamimi Center for Autism - Male Section, and they were briefed on the services provided by the center by the Center’s Director, Mr. Abdullah Al-Turki, where he explained that the center's services are specialized for beneficiaries with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The visit also included Othman Al-Khowaiter Center for Vocational Rehabilitation and they were briefed on the workshops in which the beneficiaries work. They also saw the business incubators at Al-Khaniniya Center for Professional and Social Empowerment for People with Disabilities. Which aims to employ people with disabilities in the labor market, empower them in their current jobs, empower them professionally, socially, and psychologically, and how to employ people with disabilities, from which more than 350 young men and women with disabilities benefited. The visit ends with a visit to Ta'heel Physical Therapy Center, and saw the center’s capabilities and equipments, which is supervised by a staff specialized in treating all cases, whether for the association's beneficiaries or members of the community.