Mr. Privos Calland, Political Affairs Officer at the Embassy of the United States of America, visited the Unayzah Association for Development and Human Services, to serve people with disabilities, this morning, Thursday, 2/9/2023 AH. He was accompanied on this visit by Mrs. Caroline Sanford, Economic Affairs Officer. At the embassy, Mr. Karim Mohi El-Din, Consular Affairs Officer at the Embassy, Mr. Mahmoud Abdel Sayed, Chief Political Specialist, and Mr. Muhammad Al-Tahan, Diplomatic Security Specialist at the Embassy, were received upon their arrival at the association’s headquarters by the member of the association’s board of directors, Mr. Ali Al-Qartoun, and the secretary-general of the association, Mr. / Fahd bin Ali Al-Wahaibi, Ms. Noura bint Abdullah Al-Mardasi, Acting Director General of the Ministry of Human Resources Branch in the Qassim Region, and the General Director of Branches at the Rehabilitation Society, Mr. Yousef bin Abdullah Al-Rumaih, Director of the Institutional Communication Department at the Society, Eng. Abdul Rahman Al-Qadi, and Director of Technical Affairs at the Society, Dr. Ahmed Ezz El-Din, Mr. Khaled Al-Omari, Director of the Emtad Foundation at the Association, a number of advisors and center directors at the Association, and a number of officials in the Ministry of Human Resources branch, namely Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Mr. Muhammad Al-Roudhan, Mr. Salah Al-Mushayqih, Mr. Nawaf Al-Hassoun, and Mr. Khaled Al-Mutlaq, where the visit began in a rich session inside the hall of the General Secretariat building, which included a documentary presentation about the association and a similar presentation about the current and future projects of the Humanity Rehabilitation Society city, which included providing comprehensive and additional information about the association presented by the Secretary-General, Mr. Fahd Al-Wahaibi, in which he explained the association’s aspirations in its present time. Its future is to be the best Arab association for serving people with disabilities in the year 2024 AD, and the best among ten associations in the world in the year 2028 AD, stressing that the association has partnerships, agreements, and memorandums of understanding with the largest and most famous global centers for serving people with disabilities, whether in the United States of America, or in Europe. And similar centers in India in the field of rehabilitation and physical therapy, and has held international conferences, forums, and forums specialized in disability, rehabilitation, training, and education according to the finest international foundations and standards. The association is preparing to organize and receive senior officials from specialized centers in the coming days from Europe and America. After that, the visit began with a visit to the Al-Saadi Center. For childhood and early intervention, they listened to a detailed explanation from the director of the center, Ms. Mead Al-Duwaigri, and Dr. Ahmed Ezz El-Din, director of technical affairs at the association, about the units and clinics within the center and the services it provides to people with disabilities up to the age of 8 years. They met a number of children in the units and clinics for their rehabilitation and treatment, as the delegation did. They visited the Tamimi Autism Center, in its women’s and men’s sections, and listened to a detailed explanation from the center’s director, Ms. Manahel Al-Maiman, about the services that the center provides to the beneficiaries of boys and girls who suffer from autism disorders. The visit also included the diagnostic center and comprehensive clinics, as one of the important centers in the association. During the field tour, the delegation was briefed on the future association’s projects that are nearing completion, including the Othman Al-Khowaiter Center for Down Syndrome, and the Othman Al-Khowaiter Centers for Vocational Rehabilitation for Boys and Girls. The delegation also saw the Juffali Care and Rehabilitation Complex, its departments, services, and the programs it provides, which aim to rehabilitate and care for people with disabilities in its two sections. Men and women, and they also saw the business incubators at the Al-Khaniniya Center for Career and Social Empowerment for People with Disabilities, which aim to employ people with disabilities in the labor market and empower them in the jobs for which they are employed, and to empower people with disabilities professionally, socially, psychologically and economically and train them for jobs in which they will be employed directly in the labor market or in the workplace. Business incubators dedicated to them, for young men and women, through the center’s business incubators and introducing people to employment with disabilities, which benefited more than (170) people with disabilities of both sexes in the labor market.

  • • At the end of this visit, Mr. Prevos Calland, Political Affairs Officer at the Embassy of the United States of America, expressed his happiness with the association’s visit, and said that one of the things I focus on in my work is the rights of people with disabilities, and I am very impressed with what we saw at the Unayzah Association for Development and Services. Humanity, the facilities and facilities are wonderful, and the Kingdom’s commitment to the rights of people with disabilities and improving the lives of citizens is truly wonderful, and this is a great opportunity to see this place. I wish the US Advisor for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Worldwide had been here two weeks ago and had been able to visit Al-Qassim to see this wonderful place.


  • Mrs. Carolyn Sanford, Economic Affairs Officer at the Embassy of the United States of America, confirmed, saying, “We are very happy with our visit today to the Onaizah Association for Development and Human Services to serve people with disabilities, and I was particularly impressed by the individual attention that the center’s workers give to children. We saw many Of the children talking alone with the center’s workers, and I liked that. The other part that I enjoyed very much was seeing the job empowerment pavilions and the business incubators. Those sweets made by the women were very wonderful. I also liked the idea of the laundry and the services it provides, so I think it is a distinctive way. To achieve interconnection between the private sector and what you are doing here at the center, I believe that it is a great partnership that may benefit the Qassim region as well.