

Volunteer work for individuals and communities.

"Volunteer work holds numerous benefits and significant importance, illustrating the interconnectedness of society. No one can sustain providing assistance without any compensation, except for those who genuinely possess the will to support goodness and a strong desire to improve the lives of others.

"The Kingdom's Vision 2030: Volunteer Work"

Access to one million volunteers by 2030
Providing the appropriate environment for the development of volunteer work
Motivating the largest number of volunteers to participate

Our message

Onaizah City Association for Human Services is a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the needs of people with disabilities and their families by adopting the best methodologies and systems for the quality and inclusiveness of services within a comprehensive future vision to bring about positive change in their lives and empower them to effectively integrate into and participate in society.
#Volunteer nameDescriptionRequirementsDeadline
1Volunteer with usJoin us and be part of our dream to make a positive change in the lives of people with disabilities; your presence can make a difference in their lives

The volunteer is responsible for opening a personal account on the volunteer work platform.

It is the volunteer's responsibility to document their volunteer activities while serving in the facility.


06/09/1452Apply to volunteer